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How to 'SURF' your way to 'SUCCESS' by understanding the new surge of powerful energ

There is a wave of new possibilities on the earth. Some may call it the Age of Peace or The Age of Aquarius. For me, it is the tipping point when feminine energy is coming back into power after centuries of suppression, but also the possibility for the individual to remain centred in the presence of the duality (Yin/Yang).

Part 1:

Ages ago our ancestors lived in a ‘tribal’ consciousness where women were considered to belong to the group instead of to one particular man. The whole tribe raised the children together and whatever surplus food or resources they had, were shared amongst all. This was what some call the time of the Great Mother. When we started cultivating the land and traded our nomadic tribal culture for revenue of surplus crops and livestock, we entered the era of the masculine. Now man said: ‘This is my wife, these are my children and my tools’: it paved the way for competition, survival of the fittest and dominance. This era of the masculine paved the way for the individual consciousness as the creator.

First, we were protected by the tribe, then we gave power to the ‘fittest’ to determine our state of wellbeing, leading to small tribal villages being absorbed into a bigger state, who then became absorbed into empires and the empires led to the first national governments.

Now we realised that the governments do not serve the interest of the individual and we wish for an era where we can self-govern according to what serve our best interests and that of the bigger community.

We realise that with an attitude of caring, integrity and unity we can better serve our own wellbeing and that of our environment.

We are looking to each other for guidance and not necessarily adopting a single leader as the way finder. We are looking for our individual voice, but also feel the need to unite with those that are like-minded, hence the emergence of user-generated content as per world-wide-web.

If you look at the Yin Yang symbol that we are all familiar with, you notice the two centres of duality. These centres create the pull-push force that generates energy: meaning that when you experience the states of duality in your life you generate energy to succeed even though it is a constant battle to stay on your feet. One day you are up, the next down and then you pull yourself up only to be let down. (See Part 2)

Now look at the Yin Yang symbol of The Taijitu of Lai Zhide from the 16th century, you see the dualities have merged into a single unified centre.

This is the key to ‘surf’ the current wave of energy.

Dr John DeMartini and many other like Oprah, Neale Donald Walsch and Masaru Emoto all state clearly that Gratitude is the single most powerful energy we can express. DeMartini explains that you can only stay centred in a state of gratitude. Gratitude enables you to stay centred in the present.

When you allow your mind to project you into the future with expectations or anxieties, you fall into the spin generated by the dualities, when you allow your mind to project you into the past; you spin out of control with regret, anger, or longing for that what has passed. When in a state of gratitude, you accept your present reality. And it is the present that gives you the power, the power to create more of that what you are grateful for and the power to tap into the higher self, the Holy Ghost or the universal flow of abundance.

(image credit: SAHM,

There are, however, another key element to 'surf your way to success’ and that is understanding how to balance out the energies of the masculine and the feminine.

Feminine energy is the energy of the Goddess of the Moon, it is Divine Guidance. It is the acknowledgement of your inner voice. It is your individual voice of truth that once you find the courage to follow it -regardless of the turmoil it might create in your life – will lead you to a state of peace and abundance. It is your life purpose.

When you heed to this Divine guidance, one must invite the masculine energy of action to bring it to fruition.

It’s a simple step of ‘learn’, ‘hear’, ‘see’ or ‘feel’ that what is being given to you and then following through with an act of ‘doing’.

Part 2:

When we consider the history of the suppression of women it is easy to understand the energy that is generated through the duality.

Imagine a ball being bounced, the harder you bounce the ball towards the ground, the more momentum it will have to leap up into the air. Therefore, to achieve a certain desired height, the impact to the ground will invariably be with greater force, thus the feeling or experience of pain. (credit to my husband Glen Warrington for this strong analogy).

After years of suppression women now has the power to leap up into a state of success like never before. Men who were riding the wave of masculine dominance might have become stagnant, relying too much on the support of this wave; suddenly they feel insecure as the structures that were held in place by masculine dominance came toppling down. We see this all over the world where big corporations, governments and even personal relationships appear to be falling apart.

Part 3:

Many imagine that our survival is dependent on going back to a time similar to that of the Great Mother, but evolution is always expanding into new possibilities. We need not look back to find our solutions, but rather combine the strengths of both masculine and feminine and thereby embrace the century of the self where we acknowledge and embrace our own dualities.

This inner state of wellbeing will automatically be reflected in our universal outer reality, creating the state of peace we all imagine for our world.

Part 4:

A universal limiting belief that might stand in the way of you surfing this wave of success can be labelled as ‘women are not to be trusted’. When women entered the corporate playing field with men, they had to incorporate the masculine energy inherent to men: competition. Because this is not their natural state of operation, it created turmoil in relationships. Women started competing with one another: creating objectification themselves and paying the price for envy towards each other and competing on an artificial playing field designed by mainstream media on the requirement for perfect living and being. This kind of competitive nature is against the feminine psyche even evident in nature. Consider a pride of Lions; the young males are rejected from the group to mature together. Often they will partake in playful competitive games to test their strength against each other. The young females stay within the pride. The mature lionesses work together in a spirit of community to secure the survival of the pride.

This competitive element present in relationships with women leads to a general belief that women are not to trust each other. This is today often an outdated limiting belief as women can now naturally come into a state of communal success. Next time you find yourself with an opportunity to partner with women, check to make sure that either of you is not making decisions based on these outdated limiting beliefs.

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