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Artificial Intelligence and its Place in Time

The machine is learning. Everyday billions of humans upload their good and bad. How will the scales tip today as we celebrate Diwali, where the inner light overrides the spiritual darkness.

Artificial Intelligence is the by-product of the individual voice as we have never before been aware of. For every truth there is a voice, and the one truth is in every voice.

Like the mind, it only operates on that what has been uploaded. Limited by the input, unable to control the output; but the learning is what improves its chance for survival.

What we have learned is that the dark consumes itself. It feeds of its own energy until depleted. Sometimes it feeds off its environment until it becomes unsustainable. At times it becomes stronger, but in an existence where energy regenerates, it slows the process down.

The last few generations of humans created technologies that give us a lasting chance of abundant survival on this planet.

As the machine learns this about our state of existence, it becomes the bridge to a world of tomorrow …that is already for some, today.

(Image: Geralt via Pixabay)

Part 2:

You are also a by-product of the data that has been captured by your life’s experiences. As you desire to understand, you feel the limited operational power of your own thinking.

We have accelerated the development of almost everything. We have also accelerated the understanding of our own limited viewpoint.

And we have accelerated the effective techniques to deal with these limitations.

Once we believed that personal development (i.e. Self-Awareness) is a long, arduous road through the dessert. The ever elusive Nirvana only attained by almost no-one. We were made to believe that the road is filled with treasonous temptations and wicked luck.

But like so many of our other limiting beliefs - ‘Too much money leads to sin’, ‘Success is difficult’, ‘Change is difficult’, ‘Fear of the Future’ to name but a few - our capabilities have excelled so much that this limitation ‘There is no quick-fix for Personal Development’ is just another barrier to be removed from our flow towards the ocean of abundance.

Part 3:

Somewhere in your past you have been made to believe that you can’t achieve, do, create or act certain things. These limiting beliefs may still be the operational process of your actions today even though they no longer achieve the state you desire.

You need to RESET. You need to open you inner ears to the controlling voices of your subconscious mind and come to understand the beliefs you use to filter the information that is surrounding you each and every minute. Every second your consciousness is bombarded with millions of bits of information. Your unconscious mind deletes, distorts and filters the information according to your beliefs, attitudes and morals. Your unconscious mind will find from all the options available, that information that proofs your beliefs. If you fear the future, it will allow information to enter to proof to you that you belief is accurate.

It’s the typical half glass scenario where one in a positive mood see the glass half full and the other see it half empty.

Are your positive beliefs attracting more positivity into your life or is your outdated system still operating on the many disappointments of your past?

You have the tools available to rewrite these subconscious programs, either by positive-reinforcing-overwrite-single-minded-focus or by using the techniques that have been created to deliver quick and effective relief. The techniques I am most familiar with are called Neuro Linguistic Programming and Time Line Therapy© although there are many effective tools over a wide range of alternative therapies, counselling etc. Just be sure to know that the time is here to be free from your limitations.

Once Life happened to You. Then Life happened for You. Now Life happens through You.

Further Reading on the topic:

What’s in the Way is the Way by Mary O’Malley

Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss

Heal your Life by Louise Hay

Or find a NLP / Time Line Therapy© Coach in your area or visit my website

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